Code of Honor: Despite his violent profession, John Wick operates according to a strict code of honor and ethics. 

Code of Honor: Despite his violent profession, John Wick operates according to a strict code of honor and ethics.

Absolutely, despite the violent nature of his profession as an assassin, John Wick operates according to a strict code of honor and ethics that sets him apart from many of his peers in the criminal underworld.

Professionalism: John Wick approaches his work with a sense of professionalism and dedication that borders on perfectionism.

He is meticulous in his planning, precise in his execution, and unwavering in his commitment to completing his missions with utmost efficiency and effectiveness.

Loyalty: Despite his solitary nature, John Wick values loyalty above all else. He maintains strong bonds with a select few individuals who have earned his trust and respect, including his late wife, Helen, and his close friend and mentor, Winston.

Respect for the Rules: John Wick adheres to a set of unwritten rules and traditions that govern the world of assassins.

He respects the boundaries of territories, honors contracts and agreements, and refrains from targeting certain individuals, such as those on Continental grounds. This adherence to the rules reflects his sense of honor and integrity, even in a world defined by violence and chaos.

Personal Morality: Despite his profession, John Wick maintains a strong sense of personal morality and ethics. He refuses to harm innocent bystanders or involve civilians in his conflicts, preferring to keep collateral damage to a minimum.

He also shows empathy and compassion towards those who are vulnerable or in need, demonstrating a sense of humanity amidst the brutality of his surroundings.