"Yellowstone," the popular television series, addresses several environmental issues and concerns throughout its narrative. While the show primarily focuses on the conflicts within the Dutton family and the larger power struggles over land and resources in Montana, it also delves into various environmental themes.
The show highlights the tension between those who seek to conserve and protect the natural landscape of Yellowstone National Park and its surrounding areas, and those who seek to exploit it for economic gain.
Yellowstone is home to diverse wildlife, including wolves, bears, elk, and bison. The series portrays the challenges faced by these animals due to habitat loss, poaching, and human encroachment. Issues such as predator control and the reintroduction of species are explored within the context of the show.
Water is a precious resource in the West, and "Yellowstone" depicts the conflicts over water rights and pollution caused by industrial activities such as mining and fracking.
While not always explicitly addressed, the effects of climate change are subtly woven into the storyline. Changes in weather patterns, such as droughts and wildfires, impact the characters' lives and livelihoods, reflecting the real-world challenges faced by communities in the region.
The show acknowledges the cultural significance of the land to Indigenous peoples and touches upon issues related to tribal sovereignty, land rights, and the preservation of Native American heritage.
Characters such as Thomas Rainwater, a tribal chairman, advocate for Indigenous rights and environmental justice.
Overall, "Yellowstone" offers a complex portrayal of the environmental issues and concerns facing the American West, examining the intricate relationships between humans, wildlife, and the natural environment in a rapidly changing landscape.