You can keep the romance alive in your long-distance relationship by doing these seven things.

Long-distance relationships have issues. Staying apart hurts harder whether you've lived together or worked in the same place. Physical contact, staying up late and talking for hours, and intimacy are all hindered in long-distance relationships. Keep the romance alive in a long-distance relationship with these 7 tips.

To maintain your connection, you don't need to talk 24/7. Many couples assume they must do extra to compensate for distance. This is false. It may worsen matters. You would weary of each other soon.

Having a daily reminder of your reunion is the sweetest thing. Free countdown apps let you personalize everything, even the countdown on your home screen.

Despite its datedness, do it. They convey affection and gratitude. Not every sentiment needs to be written. Discuss your life goals. These letters help you bond.

Sexual desire binds couples together. Sexuality is both biological and emotional. Stay hot by texting each other sexual innuendos and spicy descriptions.

Although planned excursions are great, a surprise is much better, especially when your spouse is having a tough week or has a major celebration. The fewer individuals you inform in advance, the less likely the secret will leak.

A little necklace, ring, keychain, or song and video collection. We often give commonplace stuff importance. This is why something simple can be so meaningful.

Internet and video calling allow for dating nights wherever. Make a date, make supper, and open a bottle of wine. However, saying goodbye at night will be toughest!

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